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President's Message

july 2024

Dear PaACC Members,

It has been an eventful last couple of weeks in national politics to be sure! We want to update you on several important bills and chapter events going on with the PaACC.


House Bill 1633 (Noncompete Covenants) has been signed into law as Act 74. This new legislation, which takes effect on January 1, 2025, introduces significant changes to noncompete agreements for health care practitioners (physicians as well as APPs) in Pennsylvania.

Key Provisions of Act 74:

  • Noncompete Agreements:
    • Noncompete covenants are enforceable if their length is no more than one year and if the employee left voluntarily.
    • Noncompete provisions are still allowed in cases of business sales.
  • Recovery of Expenses:
    • Employers may recover expenses related to relocation, training, and establishment of a patient base if:
    • The expenses are directly attributable to the health care practitioner and accrued within three years prior to separation (unless the practitioner was dismissed).
    • The expenses are amortized over up to five years from the date of the practitioner ’s separation.
  • Patient Notification Requirements:
    • Employers must notify patients with an ongoing outpatient relationship of two or more years within 90 days of a health care provider ’s separation. The notification must include:
    • The practitioner’s departure.
    • How patients can transfer their health records to another practitioner.
    • Information on the possibility of being assigned to a new practitioner within the existing employer.
  • Health Care Cost Containment Council Study:
    • The Health Care Cost Containment Council is tasked with studying the effects of this Act and reporting its findings within three years to relevant Senate and House committees.

Your Input is Needed!

This bill passed the House as a comprehensive non-compete ban, but was quickly amended and passed through the Senate. It is unclear what if any input physician groups had on the final Senate version of the bill. On the one hand it is good that non-competes can be no longer than a year and are not enforceable if you are terminated, however, there are no limits addressed in the bill for that year including a mileage size restriction, banning particular future employers, etc. We will be meeting with our lobbyist to develop strategies for improving this law in the next legislative session. We invite you to share your feedback and suggestions on how we can enhance this legislation by replying to this email. For those of you are PA Medical Society members, please also share your feedback on their website as the medical society is always consulted by lawmakers on issues. 

Concerning the Federal Trade Commission’s rule banning all noncompete agreements, there are several court cases that have just begun. A federal judge in Pennsylvania just this week denied an injunction blocking the FTC rule from going into effect in September. A different federal judge in Texas however last month issued a preliminary injunction on behalf of a company and the US Chamber of Commerce blocking the rule from going into effect for those companies, with a decision to be made on a nationwide injunction due at the end of August. The FTC ban likely does not apply to not-for-profit companies which make up the majority of hospitals (and physician employers) in Pennsylvania. It is clear that improving the state law regarding noncompetes will be the best way to improve the freedom for PA physicians to work where they want to and with what employer.  

CardioNerds banner    MACCS banner
The Pennsylvania ACC is a significant sponsor of the CardioNerds Narratives in Cardiology Series. This is a multimedia educational series involving cardiology faculty and fellows in training (FIT) from various backgrounds, subspecialties, and career stages discussing important educational topics. It can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Android Podcasts. To listen to a recent episode about becoming a Medical Educator as a Cardiologist, click here.   The Mid-Atlantic Capital Cardiology Symposium (MAACS) Meeting will be held at Heart House in Washington, DC the weekend of November 9th-10th. We will hold a Fellows Jeopardy competition for Pennsylvania the morning of Saturday the 9th, followed by an FIT conference in the afternoon. All PA fellowships are welcome to enter a team! There is a CME conference on Sunday the 10th with great speakers from all over our region. Registration will be opening soon.

2024 leg conf banner


The ACC Legislative Conference is scheduled from September 29 - October 1, 2024. Given the proposed additional cuts in Medicare reimbursement for next year, it is more important than ever to advocate for our profession and access to care for our patients. This signature three-day event offers cardiovascular clinicians spanning the entire care team a chance to hear from ACC leaders, staff and other experts on health policy issues affecting patients and the profession. It also provides an important opportunity to speak directly with members of Congress and their staff on the final day of the meeting. Pennsylvania always has one of the larger delegations and we invite anyone interested in join us. Register here

We continue to welcome feedback and are excited about growing and having more members get involved. Please check out our website at, follow us on Twitter @PAChapterACC, and reach out any time via with questions, ideas, needs or if you would like to get involved in PaACC activities.

Ross Peterson, MD, MBA, FACC

President, PaACC

Governor, Western PA 

The Pennsylvania Chapter ACC supports the American College of Cardiology’s statement of support for the Ukrainian people; see this link for the full statement.

MACCS logo

Date: November 9-10

Location: Heart House and the Washington Marriott Georgetown

Additional information and registration are here.

image of letter to PA Senate

Click on the image or here to read the letter.

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Click here or on the image to listen to the recording. logo


ABMS Seeking Comments on the Proposed CV Board

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has announced the start of a 90-day Public Comment Period seeking input on the new, independent Board of Cardiovascular Medicine proposed by the ACC, American Heart Association, Heart Failure Society of America, Heart Rhythm Society and The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions. The comment period is a critical part of the ABMS application review and an important opportunity for the cardiovascular community, hospitals and health systems, patients and other stakeholders to show their support for the new Board and engage in the decision-making process.

All comments must be submitted electronically by July 24. In addition to providing basic identifying information, including your name and email, the comment form consists of three main questions: 1) Do you agree with the creation of a new American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine; 2) Does the new Board meet ABMS requirements for initial certification; and 3) Does the new Board meet ABMS requirements for continuous certification? Along with indicating your agreement, the form includes opportunities to provide any comments related to your responses, as well as a chance to upload a letter or document. Additional comments on the ways a specialized, independent Board of Cardiovascular Medicine would benefit you, your hospital, practice and/or your patients are strongly encouraged.

To submit your comments, as well as access detailed FAQs, on-demand webinars and a listing of the initial Board of Directors, visit In addition, we encourage you to help spread the word about the comment period using the social media graphic and sample messaging below. Should you need any additional communication support, please contact Shalen Fairbanks (

Pennsylvania Chapter, American College of Cardiology
1554 Paoli Pike, Suite 298

West Chester, PA 19380

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